If anybody in your home has respiratory issues or allergies, you need to ensure the air that circulates around your home is both safe and clean. Most homeowners use household products and appliances that can pollute the air moving around the home. These items include stoves, heaters, cleaning products, tobacco and cigarette smoke, pollen and mold and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Four Seasons Air Specialists is the HVAC company in Hugo, MN that cares about your family’s health. That is why we are working with Lennox Industries to give you air purification systems that can clean your indoor air and improve your family’s health. We carry a full line of innovative air purification products that can freshen your indoor air.

On this article, we are going to focus on the Lennox Pureair™ Air Purification System.

Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality has a significant effect on the comfort of your home as well as your overall health. In order to keep the air fresh, your indoor air must be constantly exchanged with outdoor air. This is important because the air in our homes can be dangerous, filled with allergens and toxic compounds.

Sometimes, people have symptoms that seem to be linked to their time spent in a certain building. There may be a specific cause, such as Legionnaire's disease. Sometimes the cause of the illness cannot be found. This is known as sick building syndrome. (Source: medlineplus.gov)

Exposure to indoor air pollutants has both short-term and long-term effects. Some effects may be experienced immediately after a single exposure or repeated exposures to one or multiple pollutants. These may include irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, coughing, and upper respiratory congestion.

For the most part, indoor air quality problems only cause discomfort. Most people feel better as soon as they remove the source of the contamination. However, some contaminants can cause diseases that show up much later, such as epistaxis, dyspnea, rhinitis, nasal congestion, pharyngitis, severe lung disease, nausea, vomiting, anorexia Myalgia, and hearing loss.

According to the World Health Organization, about 4.3 million people a year die from the exposure to household air pollution.

How the Lennox Pureair™ Air Purification System Can Help

PureAir™ is an air purification system that cleans the air in every room throughout the home. Many air cleaning systems only filter out particles. Some fight germs, and some attack odors. But only PureAir™ Air Purification System addresses all three types of indoor air pollutants: airborne particles, germs and bacteria, chemical odors, and vapors.

It effectively removes 99.9% of all particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander. The system also removes 90% of viruses such as MERS A, flu, and cold. It eliminates and destroys approximately 50% of household odors and chemical vapors in a 24-hour period.

It’s a smart solution for preserving the quality of the air in your home as it provides highly effective air filtration without using much electricity.

It also helps the environment by reducing the ozone generated by other sources in your home through its carbon filtration.

Call the Air Purification Experts

There are several ways to improve your indoor air quality and make your home a safer place to live in, one of them is having a PureAir™ air purification system installed in your home.

The air quality professionals at Four Seasons Air Specialists have the skills, experience, and knowledge to install, repair, and maintain this highly efficient air purification system to improve the indoor air quality in your home. 

We are pleased to be the given the Dave Lennox Premier Dealer™ distinction. This honor allows us to offer the finest air purification products as well as heating and air conditioning solutions in Shoreview, MN. You can count on us to deliver fast and professional customer service, as we are monitored every month by a third party company on the service we provide our customers. We will ensure that your home gets the utmost care by giving you one of the best air purification systems in the world, PureAir™ only from Lennox.