Best Practices to Save on Costly HVAC Repairs

Posted: 2023-01-19

For the most part, your HVAC system works in the background, enabling you to live comfortably regardless of the outside weather. But these pieces of equipment aren’t designed to be forever free from damage and malfunction. Depending on different factors, they can sometimes fail to do their job, needing some repair work.

Four Seasons Air Specialists is your reliable HVAC company in North Oaks MN. We help homeowners keep their HVAC systems in tip-top shape and enjoy uninterrupted comfort and safety. In this article, we will give you a few things you might want to consider to ensure your furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump works as effortlessly as possible. Doing so will save you not only money but also time and energy in the process.

Understanding Preventative HVAC Maintenance

To help you minimize the chances of bigger HVAC issues in the long run, you have to provide the right care at regular intervals. Taking care of your HVAC unit is not very different from maintaining your car. For example, a simple timely oil change can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in engine repair. Also, regular inspections can help you detect minor issues, apply the necessary tweaks, and avoid more serious problems.

Keeping your HVAC system in good shape helps you save a significant amount of money. Since it has a longer run time than any other system in your home, it needs proper care and maintenance. Regular maintenance will allow you to keep your HVAC systems for years and years without the need for major part replacements.

Keeping the Filter Clean

Your HVAC systems are provided with filters, which protect the indoor unit from all the dust, hair, and other foreign matter from getting into the system. It also helps enhance the quality of your indoor air by avoiding the circulation of airborne contaminants.

When filters get blocked, they obstruct the airflow to the system, causing it to work with added strain. Failure to maintain your filters will lead to unnecessary stress on the system, higher energy costs, and premature failure of the unit itself. You should pay attention because HVAC parts can get quite pricey.

Therefore, you should clean your filters at least once per month or replace them as needed. Check your user’s guide to know if you have a disposable or a reusable filter. Clean filters allow your furnace to stay as efficient as possible, resulting in clean air, lower energy bills, and lower chances of system failure.

Cleaning the External Unit

One of the most critical and expensive parts of your HVAC system is the unit located outside. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on it for unusual behaviors. Simple steps like keeping the area surrounding the outside unit clear and free from any obstruction can go a long way. In the winter, make sure that there is not an accumulation of snow that can otherwise affect the unit’s operation.

Keeping Windows Closed

Your windows can directly impact the way your HVAC system works. You want to keep the warm or cool air inside, so you should keep the windows closed as much as possible. Making your home properly insulated and your windows free from drafts is a great way to minimize your HVAC usage and avoid premature failure.

Keeping Vents Clean

The vents around your house are the easiest part of the system to clean. And the best part, is you don’t need special tools to maintain them. From time to time, simply remove the covers to your air vents remove any dust, hair, and other foreign matter and check for leaks or mold buildup. Keeping the vents clean helps you in at least two ways, (1) it helps improve your indoor air quality, and (2) it allows your HVAC system to work with better airflow, minimizing the risk of overheating.

Professional HVAC Maintenance with Four Seasons Air Specialists

The single best way to avoid expensive HVAC repairs is to hire a professional to perform an annual preventative maintenance check. A NATE-certified White Bear heating and air conditioning technician will clean your system thoroughly, lubricate parts if needed, inspect the electrical and mechanical parts, and make sure the system works as efficiently and safely as possible.